Seasonal Truck Maintenance

Trucks and trailers are susceptible to damage from changes in temperature, humidity, and driving conditions. Preventive Maintenance is essential to your safety and the safety of your trailer, especially during a change in seasons. Fastfrate is committed to providing the resources and training to maintain a safe working environment for our drivers. Our health and… Continue reading Seasonal Truck Maintenance

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Fastfrate Group Recognized as the LTL Canadian Carrier of the Year

We are proud to announce that Fastfrate Group has been awarded the LTL Canadian Carrier of the Year at Ryder’s 25th Annual Carrier Quality Awards hosted in Dallas, Texas. The award program recognizes United States and Canada carriers for service quality and operational excellence based on a variety of metrics, including on-time performance, customer service,… Continue reading Fastfrate Group Recognized as the LTL Canadian Carrier of the Year

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Fastfrate Group recognized as Inbound Logistics Top 100 Trucker

We are proud to announce that Fastfrate Group, a Canadian leader in providing transportation and logistics services have been selected as a 2022 Inbound Logistics Top 100 Trucker. The selection recognized Fastfrate Group for consistently providing premium service, reliability, scalability – the watchwords of supply chain professionals who need to provide service to their customers… Continue reading Fastfrate Group recognized as Inbound Logistics Top 100 Trucker

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Merci Paul DeBonis!

Superviseur d’entrepôt de longue date chez Fastfrate, Paul DeBonis célèbre 50 ans de service cette semaine. Paul a commencé sa carrière chez Fastfrate en 1972 à notre terminal de Montréal en commençant comme homme d’entrepot et a gravi les échelons à de nombreux postes. « C’était mon premier emploi et je n’ai jamais regardé en arrière… Continue reading Merci Paul DeBonis!

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Thank you Paul DeBonis for 50 years of service!

Long time Fastfrate warehouse supervisor, Paul DeBonis is celebrating 50 years of service this week. Paul started his career with Fastfrate back in 1972 at our Montreal terminal starting as a dock worker and has moved up in many positions.  “It was my first job and I never looked back!” said Paul. He is a… Continue reading Thank you Paul DeBonis for 50 years of service!

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Fastfrate Invests in 100 Dry Containers

In July, Fastfrate Group was pleased to announce its investment in 100 heated containers. Now, in August, Fastfrate once again is pleased to announce its investment in 100 dry containers. With this investment, Fastfrate customers have access to more capacity to help alleviate container and supply chain constraints. These containers are more than just physical… Continue reading Fastfrate Invests in 100 Dry Containers

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Fastfrate Group, un chef de file canadien dans la prestation de services de transport et de logistique, a l’honneur d’annoncer qu’il fera un don de 500 000 $ sur cinq ans à la fondation Audrey’s Place. En retour, la fondation Audrey’s Place investira ce don au Centre régional de santé Southlake pour soutenir sa nouvelle campagne de 20 millions de dollars qui vise… Continue reading FASTFRATE GROUP ET AUDREY’S PLACE S’ENGAGENT À FAIRE UN DON DE 500 000 $ À LA FONDATION SOUTHLAKE

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The Fastfrate Group is honored to announce that we will be making a $500,000 donation over five years to Audrey’s Place Foundation. In turn, Audrey’s Place Foundation will invest this donation to Southlake Regional Health Centre support of its new $20M Cancer Campaign, HERE is Where Cancer Meets its Match to create the cancer care… Continue reading FASTFRATE GROUP AND AUDREY’S PLACE COMMITS TO DONATING $500,000 TO SOUTHLAKE FOUNDATION

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The Heat is On!

Fastfrate Group is please to announce that we have made an investment in 100 heated containers! These containers will add more capacity to help alleviate the container supply chain constraints. Our continuous commitment to growth allows us to expand our menu of services for our customers by providing capacity not only with the expansions of… Continue reading The Heat is On!

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Bulletin à la clientèle : Avis de service dans l’Ouest canadien

Certaines parties de l’Ouest canadien connaissent des conditions météorologiques hivernales extrêmes avec des chutes de neige record atteignant 70 cm, du blizzard et des froids extrêmes sont attendus dans certaines régions du Manitoba et de la Saskatchewan. CLIQUEZ ICI POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS

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